about Cyclobia
CycloBia is a free event that temporarily makes the selected Brownsville streets available to residents for recreational and sport activities. CycloBias make the streets car free temporarily, so participants can walk, skate, bike, run, and skateboard without worrying about getting run over by a vehicle.

CycloBia is about the residents taking the streets back from cars. It’s about being free to do whatever you want. You can bring a bike, bring a skate board, or just bring your running shoes. We encourage anything that involves physical activity and fun. The route will connect city parks; each park will have a Reclovía area. In the Reclovía area, there will be free group exercise classes, free live music, places to eat, concessions and rest areas.
CycloBia will need many volunteers to be successful. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Juan Pena with the City of Brownsville Multimodal Transportation Department.
You can reach him either by phone at 956-541-4881 or via e-mail at juan.pena@brownsvilletx.gov. Volunteers can choose to help the day of the event only or the weeks before the event by helping with promoting the event.
We always appreciate the help.